Custom Marker in Flutter Getx or Normal in Statefull Widget


  Rx<BitmapDescriptor> markerIcon = BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker.obs;  

void addCustomIcon() {
const ImageConfiguration(), 'assets/svgs/logo.png')
(icon) {
markerIcon.value = icon;

Add marker in Marker List.

markerId: const MarkerId('Target location'),
icon: markerIcon.value,
// icon:
// //markerbitmap,
// BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarkerWithHue(BitmapDescriptor.hueRed),
draggable: true,
onDragEnd: (value) {
print("marker Dragble Value ===> $value");
// value is the new position
position: LatLng(lat!, long!),
infoWindow: const InfoWindow(title: "My Target Location")));

and call it first onReady or OnInit Function

void onReady() {

// TODO: implement onReady



Hasnain Mirrani
Hasnain Mirrani

Written by Hasnain Mirrani

Update the lattest and well explain All about Flutter make you from Zero to Hero in Flutter. follow Whatsapp :+923047040406, email: https:/

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